March 2, 2011

Occupational safety and health

For U create my inmost being & U knitted me in my mothers wombI am fearfully & wonderfully make

Hi guys
It has been almost a month since i post last......things hasnt been easy for me, especially I had some occupation health & safety issue

Some of you may know, that I had a slip & fall, injured both my elbows & wrist .
such as a bump or fall onto the elbow. Poor technique will contribute to the condition, such as using ill-fitted equipment..

added worst, i went to see many doc & taken many pain killer to continue detailing & some golf game in between that added the injury & taking more pain killer & suppressing the pain & continue detailing....

Golfers Elbow, Elbow Tendonitis and Elbow Pain

There are a number of conditions that affect the elbow area. "medial epicondylitis" (golfers elbow), and medial collateral ligament sprain (throwers elbow).

If you suffer from golfers elbow or are seeking to prevent its occurrence

Golfers elbow occurs when there is damage to the muscles, tendons and ligaments around the elbow joint and forearm. Small tears, called micro tears, form in the tendons and muscles which control the movement of the forearm. They cause a restriction of movement, inflammation and pain. These micro tears eventually lead to the formation of scar tissue and calcium deposits. If untreated, this scar tissue and calcium deposits can put so much pressure on the muscles and nerves that they can cut off the blood flow and pinch the nerves responsible for controlling the muscles in the forearm

Golfer's  elbow referred pain Diagram

my shoulder muscle had a sprain as well, as it has been quite over work - when comes to the strainous detailing work

the last detail of 30 Jan 12 hours - really hurts - 3 doc has advise me to take a break of 6-8 weeks to let the injury to recover

to all my friends & followers

Kindly do yrself a favour by warming up , do some stretching & warm down exercise as well

detailing is not an easy task, rotary is heavy, more over most of the time we had to hold by one hand & buff off with the other
Most shoulder problems involve the  muscles, ligaments and tendons rather than the shoulder bones.

I ended up had a golf elbow & shoulder muscle sprain

and this had make me cool down & not to be haste over my passion

last week i did an intense detailing class be continue

Preventing Golfers Elbow
There are a number of preventative techniques which will help to prevent golfers elbow, including bracing and strapping, modifying equipment, taking extended rests and even learning new routines for repetitive activities. However, there are three preventative measures that I feel are far more important, and effective, than any of these.

What is shoulder tendonitis?

Shoulder tendonitis is the inflammation, irritation and swelling of the tendons in the rotator cuff and bicep. Shoulder tendonitis is usually caused by the pinching of the nerve in the shoulder or from repetitive strain (RS) on the shoulder joint.

This particular type of tendonitis is common amongst sports and activities that require the hand to be moved above the head. These activities include weight llifting and bodybuilding, swimming, rock climbing, swimming and baseball.

Shoulder tendonitis often starts as just a slight pain in the shoulder or upper bicep but can develop into a pain that will encompass the entire shoulder/upper arm area. It's a condition that can be easily treated but in serious cases may become permanent.

Shoulder tendonitis symptoms

Early signs of shoulder tendonitis include a slight pain in the shoulder/upper bicep area when you move your arm up and down. This pain may only occur when the shoulder is under pressure but may still occur at anytime of the day or night.

As the tendonits develops the pain will get more severe and spread from the area where the shoulder meets the arm to all over the rotator cuff. The shoulder will often feel tender and in more severe cases some swelling may be experienced. It's always best to consult your GP to correctly diagnose shoulder tendonitis.

A few ways you can help prevent shoulder tendonitis

There are a few ways you can help prevent shoulder tendonitis occuring. First, you need to warm up and stretch the shoulder area before any sport or activity that is going to place strain on your shoulder tendons. Warm ups should be about 5-10 minutes in length. Second, you can be proactive by strengthening the tendons and shoulder muscles before tendonitis develops. This can be done with lingt shoulder exercises performed every few days. For more techniques on how to prevent tendonitis see our tendonitis prevention page.

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