June 7, 2018

Exotic Detailing - Porsche

Exotic Detailing begins from our hearts instead of Hands

I was called for a new job to turn his exotic to pristine again 

wheels before - brake dust and stubborn stains 

wheels After Careful detailing  - brake dust and stubborn stains removed 

wheels before - brake dust and stubborn stains 

 wheels After Careful detailing  - brake dust and stubborn stains removed 

wheels before - brake dust and stubborn stains 

 wheels After Careful detailing  - brake dust and stubborn stains removed 

panels by panels careful removed for deeper detailing

look what is hidden  beneath

look what is hidden  beneath

look what is hidden  beneath

ta da after careful detailing, clips removed and detailed

ta da after careful detailing 





ta da after careful detailing

ta da after careful detailing

ta da after careful detailing







Moving into Engine compartment

Before - stains and dirt covering the engine

Before - stains and dirt covering the engine

Before - stains and dirt covering the engine

Before - stains and dirt covering the engine

Before - stains and dirt covering the engine

stay Tune for more
For U create my inmost being & U knitted me in my mothers womb I am fearfully & wonderfully make

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