now this one of those work, I want to show......not just only show off ...but must told off
did 2 full days of heavy correction & free as another appointment was called
so i am free & avail to do some work..............these are my working boot, otherwise i would not dare to go onto the muddy slimy ground....there is always a tool for everything
APC agitating the earth
did some heavy stuff - 4 hours of sweat
Brushing off
brushed off
now Megs Gold class - vinyl & rubber detailer
works miracle for me 50/50 pics
Megs Gold class - vinyl & rubber detailer
the most shinny pair of working boots in the world
another 50/50 on 1 side & another finish pics
Morning pics
Megs Gold class - vinyl & rubber detailer
Megs Gold class - vinyl & rubber detailer awards winning
My Mission was to clear off my back yard, weeds & roots growing accessibly wild
started off at 2pm
complete in 4 hours
cleared total of 2-3inches of soil (earth) with grown roots....66 foots X 10 foot wide earth was removed...i scope up 1 truck load of earth
Just started work, a minutes later it rain horrendously & i had to make a quick decision, whether should i continue or i was just weighing the consequences, some how it clicks me..... just like detailing
there are many times, when i see my clients car....considering should i hit & run ...or face the giant....get it corrected & finish
there are many moments i wanted to walk away by closing one eyes...but my inner man always challenge me to complete the it well
as the heavy down pour continues, many moment giving excuses to myself to stop, but stood tall & complete this task,
as i was doing it I challenge myself , this is another detailing....the rain actually was a blessing, as i move the roots of the weeds its washes the mud down.......4 full hours straight ....
to me detailing is not just showing off, it where u put your heart into the hand to get things transformed.....
90% of survival is in your head & 10 % is just on circumstances
''Your attitude determine the altitude" where your heart is, your treasure is found
My challenge is it just showing off & get it done
after pics
had a quick i skipped my lunch & come to try out Megs APC
50/50 pics & BRUSHING OFF......did some experience
MA MA MIA AFTER look at the gloss
did another 50/50
mama mia...APC works wonders
looking for paint popping
found none....but i found this on my hood
thanks to megs chemist making my day sweet other is always dull
mama mia still shining
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