March 6, 2012

Detailien the Malaysia Car Detailing Guru

For U create my inmost being & U knitted me in my mothers wombI am fearfully & wonderfully make
at msia not much detailer like you? is it so

Originally Posted by Ling Reiden View Post
bro kc...since you have those knowledge,you can up to your own business...and you should know msia not much detailer like you....few more weeks untill march oo bro ...

HI Ling Reiden
thanks for asking & you really make me to rethink

Msia does have lots of talented people, everyone is gifted in one way or another
if you have been in many of clinic you would have probably hear me...using Msia Boleh

PEndrive - invented by a malaysian
World Class badminton Champion - Dato LEE CW
World Class squash Champion - Nicole D
tallest twin tower
a decade old F1 Track
Host for so many world PGA, LPGAs
the oldest rain forest & 2nd most most forestry country in the entire world(55%)

a land of gifted talents & resources

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

sharing with you another insight of an intensive paint corrections & rotary lesson in our car detailing class

A good detailing always start with a good washing

hard stains & hidden parts not to be avoided or missed out
pretty much like this neglected bonnet jam area

with alien juice agitated with soft bristle hair brushes is the best combinations

rinsing off

ta da

this was taken at the earlier detailing meet up (at one of the car park) before the rotary class in the afternoon

what etches your car paint, clear coat????

what is the root cause?

what causes your clear coat fail prematurely?

answer to the 3 above pic - this is a repainted hood, bad preps work & avoid road side car wash....therefore keeping our originality of our factory baked paint is the the one & only option

this has been my punching bag....for many years & often use in all my hands on classes

it was often left outside & under the extreme weather

usual car wash

water sheeting test

regular washes car will have lesser issue

body prep work by claying....alien juice as lube

removing surface above contaminant

always stop after 1 x 1 square foot area clayed & look out for contaminant before continues

the basic investment

otherwise there is nothing to see to be detailed

water spot aka water marks.....most common treats in Malaysia

moving on another part

can polishing do? on

the 3rd hand

master seech

the few new rotary owners

close up shot
paint issue

AFTER COMPOUNDED with ohc & opt dbi side wool pad
ta da

extreme close up before & after corrections

hands on continue ...bro zerosp

paint issue before

after polish

close up




now a 50/50% clearly spelled

looks at everyone looking at

we tested China make rotaries & the real thing......& we pushed the machine so hard to test the consistency .... pressure slows down the china made machine but makita constant in rotating in both pressure & ended up burning a hole thru the clear


paint transference

real issue

so next time we have the experience of burning the clear coat

a polish vs paint correction

after many hands & passes

another tiring day

ta da
the price picture

master seech

molested by many hands

thank you for viewing yet aanother detailien intense rotary hands on

the reflection


after paint levelled

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
cont from the intro

Detailing is a very lonely journey, full of heart aches & fears if it is done wrongly, often requires triple time of what car wash does (mine the longest 4days 3 nights)...more over physical...mental & most of all high risk taker

all the thank you & hu ha cant be exchanges for health (I knew this even at my preliminary stage)...risk of health & injury ( slipped disc, over use elbows that causes tennis elbow, harm string tigh & knee.....blinded by coating...bla bla bla) occupation risk...therefore having said all these....the satisfaction of being able to restores a ride by your own hands cant be exchange with all the above....more over when u had a family of detailer coming along side with you

being a self taught sojourner...we know what is takes & passes many disappointment takes to be where we are ...therefore....learning should be make free & available for all...
imagine the earlier missionaries would not have build school & hospitals (educations & health care) ....we will be left behind to be a smoldering flick of a wipe out candle

Therefore both me & Seech took on this impossible, not a paid task (not supported by anybody or manufacture) so when we fail nobody can blames us.....
we decided to share and best way to learn is thru hands on in workshops and detailing clinics. perhaps trained over a thousand folks in handling rotary from a simple maintenance wash till paint correction both public or private meetings

Originally Posted by Ling Reiden View Post
bro kc...since you have those knowledge,you can up to your own business...and you should know msia not much detailer like you....few more weeks untill march oo bro ...
Thanks Ling reiden for you kind words...not to worry you will not be the 1st nor last person who ask
read on here

me is nothing students did more
erik-dead paint bought to life-the-shine-back-to-the-mazda-mx5


JOSH the Super car detailer

veloc the KK detailer

Mun -flooded-rescued-by-muyo-epic-reconditioning

the most hilarous detailing thread

Rex79 the kuching detailer

all the way from Mauritius
Zaid of Mauritius

in return they help me to train others
2012 hands on by Detailien

Detailiens @ HIN auto show
Detailien's at HIN

our most recent Nissan car detailing- Detailien show by Detailiens

many others has more knowledge than me but nobody has train so much detailers like us for free
hands on in Kuching

participants from North & South

recent Zaid training

professional detailer training

Detailien Training how to make detailing a business for free

Public awareness detailing program, Ampang Park Auto week

detailing private lesson in my house

another private detailing hands on lesson

BMW club Malaysia car detailing clinic
BMW CLUB OFFICIAL car detailing hands on session
another official BMW club detailing

Hands on with Sunbeams homes children Rex from KUching

Sunbeams youth at fun raising car wash

one to one lesson Liew of Suzuki club

another private lesson-car-detailing-without-electricty.html

italia club

Sunway hands on session

can u detail my car? nope I can only train u how to detail

Ladies participants in Rotary Handling & paint correction

detailer training clinic

professional car detailing training
sincerely from our hearts

The Detailiens
Malaysia Detailing Guru
016 220 9227

Show Me Your Work!!!